Jeans Lined

Jeans Lined

Jeans Lined

Jeans lined

Denim is durable enough to handle any mistreatment you throw at it, and we take the extra step with our flannel- and fleece-lined denim jeans. You need to trust your pants to weather the cold, and our jeans are the perfect way to do it.

They go beyond normal jeans with a warm lining made from our best materials.

We Sell a Lot of Denim

FiveBrother® denim is resilient enough to take on your biggest work challenges without suppressing your physical movement. Working in colder weather requires thicker clothing, so we use a 14oz cotton denim lined with 100% cotton flannel or 100% polyester brushed fleece to maximize warmth on the job site without sacrificing breathability.

We fuse today’s advanced manufacturing techniques with high-quality natural materials to create a high-quality lined jean that stands up your workload while providing a comfortable place to sit, no matter where you are.

Designed with Men in Mind

We design all our men’s clothing with a man’s body in mind. Our relaxed fit is the perfect way to increase mobility, so you can stay working through the toughest winter storms. Work doesn’t slow down in the cold and neither should you.

Browse our full lineup of lined men’s jeans to find out for yourself.

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